We need your car donation and we’ll make it hassle-free

Donate CarsWe have hundreds of charities in the US whose work is positively transforming people’s lives in different ways. These charities mostly depend on donations from well-wishers. Most people donate cash to charities but there are many other forms of donations that people can make. There are charities that accept donations in form of motor vehicles and motorcycles. When you donate car Illinois the charity takes the car and repairs it if necessary/possible, and then sells it to recover the money. You can certainly donate car Oregon to a charity if you have one that you don’t drive any more.

 One of the charities that need you to donate car Illinois is the Prostate Cancer Awareness Project (http://www.carsforprostatecancer.org) which spreads awareness about prostate cancer and the need for screening and early detection. Prostate cancer is known to be one of the leading killers of men in the US, with approximately 29,000 men dying from it every year. Our organization’s goal is to inform men about the disease and encourage them to get screened early. Through regular screening one can detect the disease before it’s too late and with early treatment patients have good chances of making a full recovery. If you thus donate car Oregon to this organization, you will definitely help to save the lives of many men.

The Prostate Cancer Awareness Project makes donating cars a stress-free affair for donors. If you have an old vehicle that you’d like to donate, simply contact us, and we’ll send someone over to collect the car from you. In addition to helping in our cause you will effectively rid yourself of your old car and you can even claim tax deductions on the basis of your donation.

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