A Cancer Diagnosis is an Emotional Tidal Wave

Car Donation changes things

Today is the 1st anniversary of the terrible tragedy that resulted from an earthquake-generated tidal wave in Japan.  Actually, it would be more accurate to say that hundreds of thousands of tragedies occurred that day since each family displaced, every home destroyed and every life taken was a tragedy unto itself.

The above photo shows a turbulent, yet normal, Pacific Ocean with wave heights of no more than 10 feet.  Estimates of the 2011 Japan tsunami height range up to 77 feet.  We cannot imagine such a change until we see it in photos/videos or experience it personally.  Equally unimaginable is the fact that 19,000 lives were suddenly lost on that day.

Our Tsunami is Not So Obvious

We are experiencing a health tsunami in the United States.  Between 2009 and 2012, the number of men in the U.S. expected to die annually of prostate cancer has increased from 29,000 to 34,000.  Much of the blame for this increase can be laid at the door of widespread ignorance about how to recognize and, once recognized, deal with this tragic disease.

The Prostate Cancer Awareness Project (PCAP) is dedicated to enabling men to protect themselves and their families from the results of not seeing the wave coming.  PCAP’s Mission is “to significantly increase the prostate cancer survivor rate by dramatically increasing the rate of early detection”.

Cars For Prostate Cancer is dedicated to raising the funds to enable PCAP’s awareness Mission.   We strive to be the best vehicle donation program, maximizing the sale price of your car donation AND your tax deduction.

Knowledge can calm the waves.

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